Thursday, June 25, 2015


World Peace Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers
with New World Peace Ambassadors in North Carolina

World Peace Ambassadors and iChange Nations Statesmen, Dr. Leland Hersey and Dr. Everett Hersey hosted a phenomenal Golden Rule International event in Washington, North Carolina. The event took place on May 11, 2015 and the Culture of Honor was established in this community. Because of the efforts of these two great men to establish the Golden Rule New Global Ethic, “Treat others the way you want to be treated,” Washington, North Carolina is forever changed; it is a ground in which to cultivate a Culture of Honor.

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations and the Human Rights Global Congress. iChange Nations™. It is a professional institution that equips, mentors and trains highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The Human Rights Global Congress has been established by iChange Nations to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of life and basic human rights.

Ambassador Rivers said, “We had a great event. We honored the Police Chief – Stacy Drakeford, the County Sheriff – Johnny Barnes and many other prominent leaders in that region. It was good to see the cultural diversity working together for the betterment of their community. We believe that establishing the Culture of Honor in every community is the world is the key to global transformation. This was a super event. ”

The Golden Rule International Award is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, former President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu have embraced and are promoting globally. Golden Rule International is also affiliated with the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative (IPI), African Union, the United Nations as well as the United Religions Initiative (URI) an Interfaith Peace organization seeking world peace.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Michael Beckmann and Thousand Foot Krutch Band Members with Amb. Clyde Rivers

World Peace Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers of the Golden Rule International was a special guest at the Thousand Foot Krutch Christian Rock Concert held in Barstow, California Sunday June 7th.  Relentless Entertainment Company - Founder Michal Beckmann, put on the concert.

Ambassador Rivers said, “It was a powerful platform to share the Golden Rule Global Ethic – ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated’ and bring the message of world peace. It was beyond words to have this message embraced by this young radical generation of artists and fans. The reception was overwhelming. They believe and this gives me great hope for the future of the world.”

Ambassador Clyde Rivers, the Representative for the North American Division to the United Nations – New York. The Golden Rule International Award is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, former President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu have embraced and are promoting globally. Golden Rule International is also affiliated with the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative (IPI), African Union, the United Nations as well as the United Religions Initiative (URI) an Interfaith Peace organization.


Left, Dr. Clyde Rivers pictured with Dr. Jenny Lopez and two Graduates
On Saturday, June 6, 2015 in Victorville California Ambassador Clyde Rivers spoke at the graduation ceremony of Fuerza y Honor International. Dr. Jenny Lopez, Founder and President of Fuerza y Honor International hosted the graduation.

Ambassador Rivers spoke on the importance of completing tasks. He said, “When you complete an assignment doors open for other opportunities.” Rivers went on to stress, “The importance of training is that nations are looking for qualified equipped workers that can solve problems. It is important to understand the purpose of your trials, hardships as you work to accomplish your goals. Challenges make you greater.”

It was a great event and the students were empowered and encouraged. Congratulations to all the fine graduates.


Golden Rule Ambassador - Dr. Clyde Rivers
World Peace Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers of the Golden Rule International was a special guest on June 8th for Radio Show – Eyes on Washington. Eyes on Washington Radio Program, with radio hosts Doug Basler and Marty McClendon, debate top issues from a Christian perspective. They broadcast information and commentary from Washington State to Washington D.C.

The Golden Rule as a Global Ethic to better mankind was central to the conversation with the radio hosts Doug Basler and Marty McClendon. Ambassador Rivers was asked what is the importance of the Golden Rule? Ambassador Rivers explained, “My message embraces the point that every individual person alive has value. As a matter of fact, if every individual were able to live out his or her particular contribution to society, our world would be a better place. It would be a place where the fulfillment of the needs of nations would be met because every person’s gift would be a contribution to the success of those nations. The open door to this kind of Culture of Honor is the Golden Rule Global Ethic – “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” This ethic lifts everyone higher and builds great communities and nations. I appreciated the opportunity to share about the Golden Rule on this great radio station with such cordial hosts, thank you.”

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is the Representative for the North American Division to the United Nations – New York. The Golden Rule International Award is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, current President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu has embraced and is promoting globally. Golden Rule International is also affiliated with the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative (IPI), African Union, the United Nations as well as the United Religions Initiative (URI) an Interfaith Peace organization seeking world peace.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Dr. Reuben Egolf, Vice President of Human Rights Global Congress
The launching of the iChange Nations and the Human Rights Global Congress™ on April 18th in Grand Rapids, Michigan was an experience beyond expectations. The attendance went beyond seating capacity to standing room only. The atmosphere was filled with camaraderie with a common goal of protecting the image of God. Diversity in ethnicities and faiths came to the unifying force of the Golden Rule and demonstrated a culture that’s possible all over the world. 

I was asked to speak on Article 19 of the Human Rights Declaration set forth by the United Nations. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

In a nation like America the subject of human rights seems to be distant from everyday life. We as citizens in the United States do not fear our government will imprison, persecute, and terminate our lives due to our expressing an opinion, or for our religious faith. Therefore, the subject of human rights appears abstract and foreign, and not much attention is given to it. The truth of the matter is that the violation of human rights affects us all and much more directly that we think.

Where human rights are violated it becomes the greatest abortion mill for human potential that there is. For example, sex trafficking enslaves a woman and aborts her potential and contribution to society and we all suffer as a consequence of her unreleased potential. How many vaccines, cures, and how many other medical and scientific breakthroughs to help human suffering have been terminated by violating human rights? What about a man who merely expresses his opinion concerning a government or about his faith who is then imprisoned, beaten, and in many cases killed.  According to Amnesty International more than 1/3 of governments, 62 out of 160, locked up prisoners of conscience – people who were simply exercising their rights and freedoms. Another staggering statistic is that there are twenty seven million people currently enslaved around the world. Can you imagine what is locked up inside a community of multiplied millions? There are many nations of the world who do not have twenty seven million people as a population, so in essence this is an entire nation of people who’s potential is being withheld from the world.

If I am living with a terminal disease in Canada, and the knowledge for the cure was inside of a person who was killed twenty years ago in a country where his or her religious beliefs were not tolerated, then my future has been affected by it. That violation of their human rights has now directly affected and impacted my life.

Article written by: Dr. Reuben Egolf – Vice President – Human Rights Global Congress

Article edited with permission


Prof. Kevin Storr
In Grand Rapids, Michigan this spring I was asked to give a keynote address at the iChange Nations™ - Human Rights Global Congress™ on the topic, “The Human Right to Access Education and Science in Defining National Value and Development.”  My presentation was rooted in two of the Human Rights defined by the United Nations; Rights numbers twenty-six and twenty-seven. As states:
Article 25
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26
1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. (

As the speaker I told the attendees that all countries have three basic resources: Natural Resources, People Resource and Vision Resource.  The natural resource is to be managed, the people resource is to be inspired and the vision resource is to galvanize the people.  I further commented that nations must be tooled and allowed to dig their own dirt (whether land or people) and it is the management of its three basic resources, which provides them with value to trade with other nations. 

This oration also included a discussion on intellectual property and redefined it in the context of nation building.  I redefined intellectual property as the people resource, and emphasized that intellectual property goes beyond the fruit of the mind and should be viewed as the mind itself.  On this intellectual property we are to farm and cultivate ideas - these are the fruit of the mind.  It was also declared that in order to build a nation, the nation must use its intellectual property to harvest the ideas, which are planted in the minds of its people.  These ideas can be realized through production or consumption.  By consumption an idea is realized because someone previously had the idea and makes its available.  By production, it is an original idea for which a person supplies the resource whenever the idea is requested. 

Finally, I summarized my presentation by noting, nations which traffic mainly in consumer ideas, eventually become dependent nations, because intellectual property is more than just ideas, it is the people and road to national development and value.

Article written by Prof. Kevin Storr - iChange Nations™ Statesman

Article edited with permission


iChange Nations – Spokeswoman – Dr. Linda Lara
The Human Rights Global Congress™ launch was such a great success. It took place in Grand Rapids, Michigan this spring, 2015. As Statesmen for iChange Nations™ - Human Rights Global Congress™, we are learning that while many people know something about Human Rights, they don’t know to what extent these rights exist and that they apply to all human beings.

It is time to bring the Human Rights back into the forefront and get leaders to be a voice for those who are unaware of their rights. I believe that as we bring awareness to those who are passionate about the rights of those who are being discriminated against, they will be willing to stand up and have a voice. No one is going to listen to a homeless person about their Human Rights but according to Article 25 of the Universal Declarations of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself or his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”  Every person is entitled to these fundamental rights, simply because they are human.  (

The Human Rights Declaration is a global term but many people can’t define it. We need to know the Human Rights ourselves. We need to share them with others and our own children, family and friends. We need to be a voice, leaders that are willing to stand up; stand in the gap for those not experiencing their Human Rights. When Human Rights are not known well by the people, more abuse such as discrimination, intolerance, oppression and slavery can arise.

It is going to take leaders who are knowledgeable about the Human Rights. I believe that The Human Rights Global Congress™ is going to do just this, raise up, equip, train and launch just such leaders. They will go wherever needed to bring awareness and justice to those whose Human Rights are being violated. They will educate and bring hope.

Article written by: Dr. Linda Lara - iChange Nations™ – Human Rights Global Congress™ Spokeswoman

Article edited with permission

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


ICN Community Ambassador Award and Golden Rule Award Recipients

Golden Rule International World Peace Ambassadors, Drs. Sonny and Linda Lara, hosted an outstanding Golden Rule International and iChange Nations™Community Ambassador Award event in Los Banos CA. in the Spring of 2015. The goal of this event was to further create a culture of honor in communities across Northern California by recognizing men and women that are living the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated” in their communities.

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers, Founder and President of iChange Nations™and the North American Representative to the United Nations – New York for Golden Rule International commented on this outstanding event, “It is always a pleasure working with Drs. Sonny and Linda Lara. Everything they do, they do with excellence and this held true for this event. Those they assembled are worthy of these awards of honor for their selfless work in the community of Los Banos and outlying areas.” Ambassador Rivers’ iChange Nations™organization is a professional institution that equips, mentors and trains highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world.

Ambassador Rivers proudly represents the Golden Rule International Award that is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, current President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu has embraced and is promoting globally. Golden Rule International is also affiliated with the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative (IPI), African Union, the United Nations as well as the United Religions Initiative (URI) an Interfaith Peace organization.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers
President and Founder of iChange Nations™ 
At the heart of change is a pearl of greatness that abides within every human being upon the earth. Without this greatness being revealed we as a world suffer loss. iChange Nations™  has set out to create a culture of honor that begins at the heart of community. By honoring individuals that are living in such a fashion that those around them are benefiting; we are able to establish an honor system that changes the way we live, work and associate with one another. This honor system award is called the “Community Ambassador.” We are honoring the leaders in their communities and we are seeing change in these community. It is like dropping recognition and goodness into our societies and everything is enhanced as a result.  The very nature of this philosophy of honor multiplies and creates change.

“The Community Ambassadorship is the key to changing our world one small part at a time. I challenge the world to be looking at this new way to empower every citizen through this philosophy and learn to live the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated’. Empower your communities through honor and the opportunity to become a Community Ambassador,” say Ambassador Rivers.

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of  iChange Nations™ and the Human Rights Global Congress.  iChange Nations™ is a professional institution that equips, mentors and trains highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The Human Rights Global Congress has been established by iChange Nations to brings global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationship to help people understand basic human rights.


Livingston Community Leaders pictured with Amb. Dr. Clyde Rivers
On May 15th, 2015 the community of Livingston, California was introduced to the Culture of Honor with the Golden Rule International Award and iChange Nations Community Ambassador Award. Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers presented the awards and Drs. Sonny and Linda Lara hosted the event. Golden Rule International Awards and iChange Nations Community Ambassador Awards were presented to several outstanding Livingston community leaders that are living the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated” and working to help their community.

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Director of the North American Division of the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative and the Golden Rule International Award and the President and Founder of iChange Nations. Ambassador Rivers is committed to bringing back the Lost Art of Honor and everywhere he travels he purposes to give honor and acknowledge the greatness in mankind. The result, the culture of honor is built and sustainable.

This event was an example of how honor crosses over borders and belief systems and levels the playing field in communication, commonality of purpose and sense of community. Livingston is changing lives and honoring their citizens. Livingston is fast becoming an example of a community exemplifying a true Culture of Honor in California.


Dr. Reuben Egolf and Ambassador Clyde Rivers
The message of Human Rights around the world is seeing a new day. As treatment of mankind becomes worse the Human Rights Global Congress is creating a different philosophy in which to address these issues. We believe every individual is created with a contribution to be added to this world. Anytime there are violations of our Human Rights the world misses out on the potential of the one that has suffered.

Dr. Reuben Egolf is one of the creators of this philosophy and is an experienced voice in developing people globally. Ambassador Rivers says, “Dr. Egolf is one of the most advanced in the world at creating paradigms that empower people. This is the reason for his appointment as the Vice President of the Human Rights Global Congress. I challenge the world to be looking for a new way to empower every citizen in every country through our Human Rights Global Congress philosophy and learn to live the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’”

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™and the Human Rights Global Congress. iChange Nations™is a professional institution that equips, mentors and trains highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The Human Rights Global Congress™has been established by iChange Nations™to brings global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationship to help people understand basic human rights.


Dr. Jenny Lopez Human Rights Liaison for Women Add Value
Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers appoints Dr. Jenny Lopez to the position of Women’s Human Rights Leader for iChange Nations - Human Rights Global Congress. The Human Rights Global Congress is establishing the Initiative of “Women Add Value” and Dr. Jenny Lopez is spearheading the initiative for the Human Rights Global Congress.

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations and the Human Rights Global Congress. iChange Nations is a professional institution that equips, mentors and trains highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The Human Rights Global Congress has been established by iChange Nations to brings global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationship to help people understand basic human rights.

Dr. Jenny Lopez has been appointed to this prestigious position because of her strong background in education and practical experience in dealing with and helping women around the world. Ambassador Rivers commented saying, “Dr. Jenny is a strong voice of hope with a message that speaks to the potential in women and empowers them to add value to the world.”

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Charles Hughes with Ambassador Clyde Rivers
Charles Hughes is the Executive Director of the Gary, Indiana Chamber of Commerce. His life of service to the City of Gary, Indiana has brought global recognition. Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers, the Director of the North American Division of the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative and the Golden Rule International Award presented Charles Hughes with the prestigious Golden Rule International Award. He was appointed as a Goodwill Peace Ambassador for Golden Rule International at a ceremony held on April 17, 2015 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Charles Hughes serves his community at multiple levels. As a fireman for 34 years, reaching the rank of Battalion Chief, he has been recognized for creating a strong relationship between the department and the community. Mr. Hughes also served for 16 years as a member of the Gary, Indiana City Council, with two of his terms served as the President of the Council. His success also enabled him to serve as the Education Chairman for the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns. Hughes continued his dedication to service as the Chairman of the Committee of National League of Cities, Public Safety and Crime Prevention. Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers said, “These accomplishments prove to the world that he is qualified to serve as a Goodwill Peace Ambassador for the Golden Rule and the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative. We are honored to have Charles Hughes serve with us globally.”

Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative is affiliated with Department of Public Information of the United Nations.  IPI is a member of United Religions Initiative (URI). URI is an international organization that is working throughout the world. It is an NGO with Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.”